Monday, September 10, 2007

Glory to Jesus Christ!

Hello, and welcome back officially from summer and to the new people now on the newsletter. So another year, another load of dreary work, but don't let it get you down. You have OCF to have FUN! We hope to see you out in the coming weeks, and for those anxious to start we will have informal coffee adventure meeting at group space at 5:00pm tuesday

NOW to all the wonderful info

We will be meeting this year at Rm 41 in the group space. We will put up signs to find it. For those that don't know where it is it is under the mub building and sask hall. (attached is a map of the above ground location) If you want to have a free study spot, just go to the info booth at place riel and leave your student card there and you can borrow a set of keys.

We are meeting Tuesdays at 5:00pm

Verbal Directions
Walk down place riel toward the bookstore, turn right before the ramp and follow the hallway/tunnel all the way down. You will come to a ramp and staircase but keep on going, next you will come to a fork where you can head down right or go up the small flight of steps and enter a doorway and continue left, do this but right past the doorway to your right will be a door with the sign campus group space(or it will be propped open by a chair). this is where we meet.
Monthly Schedule this year
1st Tuesday funtime(bowling/gaming/football/Frisbee)
2nd tuesday speaker
3rd tues: church at sheptynsky byzantine chapel(directions to come)
4th tues: speaker
5th: speaker

Events to look forward to:
Ben Machnee: CS Lewis and deification of man sept 25
-this is very exciting for us, Ben spoke last year and enthralled us so much we had to have him back this year.
Subdeacon James Davis: Prayer: informal prayer pinnacle or hindrance? Oct 2
Glory tO God for All things Akathist: next week sept 18 (more info this week)
Tables in Place Riel: sept 19,20
WELCOME BACK BBQ sept 21 at Tim Dumbrowsky's new house(more info right away)
Windows to the East Conference: Speaker David Goa: Reading of the Scriptures, Orthodox Ecology
Nov 11 retreat in Edmonton

If you need to talk to a priest or need confession, Father Cyprian will be available at vespers and meetings to meet with you.

We hope to have a plethora of speakers this year such as God's Justice: retribution or rehabilitation, Bioethics and Orthodoxy, and more.

If you know of anyone who would like to speak or you want to help organize, please let us know. Hopefully it should be a good year with 60 people on our email list we should have a few come out to meetings. See you in the next couple of weeks. If anyone needs a ride to a church jsut let us know and we shall hook you up with a local parishioner..